This is the picture that we have taken during the activity. Although there isn't much, but it shows that we did look into every details carefully. (:
We were quite amazed by the connection of the internet on the laptop given by the staff there. It is because even though we are in the Mangrove Broadwalk,we still can connect to the internet to find informations. Before we started setting out, we tried some testing to check if the webcam can scan the zap code. We encounter much problems such as how to scan, how to make the screen clearer, but it was fun.
We saw some animals there as well as plants, we were also being bitten by mosquitoes. We have been looking for informations on the tree called Blind-your-eyes, when we know that that tree can kill people, we were quite shock.
The uses of the tree Blind-your-eyes can be use to poison fish and once if contact with eyes, it will cause temporary blindness.
The uses for Aricennia alba are that the wood is not suitable to set fire because it burns smouldering except for smoking fish. The fruit can be eaten roasted, boiled and also sundried.
The fauna in the picture is the snail. Species of land snails live in almost every kind of habitat, from deserts and mountains, to marshes, woodland, and gardens. However, certain species are "anthropophilic", which means they are found most often around human habitation.
In overall, we enjoyed the trip there very much.
yingjie, siti and serene
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