Monday, October 22, 2007

In this learning journey to Sungei Boloh Nature Reserve, we learnt to use the small laptop given and get to learn more about the flora and fauna. The use of the technology is really fun and interesting. We get to search for informations and to take pictures using webcam.

Some examples of the plants we have seen are, Mangrove(Excpccarvia dogallodia), Brvgviera gymnorrniza, Aricennia alba, Rhizophor apiculate, Rhicophor mucronate and xylocarpers granatum.

-The uses for Aricennia alba are, the wood is not suitable for firewood as it burns smouldering except for smoking fish. The fruit can be eaten roasted, boiled or sundried.
-The uses for Rhicophora mucronate are the bank is used for tanning and dyeing. Medically, it is used against diarrhoea and extraction from build old leaves is given at childbirth.
-These plants' names are really unique and hard to remember.

Some examples for fauna are cicada, archer fish, otter, crab, mudskipper and spider.
-The two facts for Cicada are The male cicada makes the shrill sound by vibrating a membrane located on its abdomen to attract females and also have sucking mouthparts.
-The two facts for Otter are they have waterproof streamline body and is a powerful swimmer.

We really enjoyed this trip to Sungei Boloh and we will all like to visit this place again if we get another chance to. We went back to school and had our lunch.

Posted by:
Neo Chin Yen
Rachel Ng
Syimah :D

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